Entirely committed to protecting these elusive creatures from extinction, Prediger is the go-to person for everything pangolin. Despite being one of the world’s most trafficked mammal (more than elephants, rhinos and tigers combined) little is actually known of the pangolin, a mystery Prediger is getting one step closer to solving. By building data collection into the daily protection of pangolins, we’re supporting our partners to reduce the mortality rate of rescued pangolins. Known to be solitary and sensitive creatures, when intercepted from the wildlife trade, pangolin death rates is extraordinarily high. Every element of PCRF’s research informs and evolves ongoing pangolin conservation, meaning we’re one step closer to bringing pangolins back from the brink of extinction.
When tackling such a huge mission, we wanted to share with you what a day in the life of a Pangolin Conservationist entails. We managed to catch up with Kelsey in between field operations to find out how her last 48 looked.