Mark has a life-long passion for nature and travel and has managed to combine adventure and work throughout his career, which has included government policy, finance, entrepreneurship, and many NED roles.
Currently, he helps businesses in the climate and energy transition space secure investment. He is a qualified diver, paraglider and fixed-wing pilot, and active alpine climber.
As an avalanche survivor, he is a strong believer in experiencing the “now”. He believes travel is the best educator – both in developing an understanding of people and the natural world. And that both these are vital for the preservation of a healthy planet.
He is a member of the advisory board of Global Choices, which is campaigning for the preservation of vital Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, and a Trustee of the Central Caribbean Marine Institute. He has helped form the Royal Thames Yacht Club’s sustainability working group, which is seeking to promote sustainable sailing practices and support ocean environmental projects.